
CDH.cz - hry na PC, PS, XBOX - Česká databáze her

Katalog her - střílečky - hry na PC od písmene 0

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Vše

Název hry Platforma Hodnocení RokŘazení vzestupně Výrobce
30XX PC - 2021 Batterystaple Games
12 orbits PC 50% 2016
4089: Ghost Within PC 20% 2015
99 Levels to Hell PC 65% 2013
007 Legends PC 25% 2012 Eurocom
7554 PC 43% CZ 2012
007: Bloodstone PC - 2010
007: Quantum of Solace PC 80% 2008 Beenox
2025: Battle for Fatherland PC 80% 2007 Primal Software
25 To Life PC 40% 2006 Avalanche Software
3D Deer Avenging with Wonderbuck PC 60% 2001
1944: The Loop Master PC - 2000 Capcom
1945k III PC - 2000
3D Hunting: Extreme PC 70% 1999
3D Hunting: Shark PC 45% 1999
3-D Frog Man PC 45% 1998 Webfoot Technologies
3-D Ultra NASCAR Pinball PC - 1998 Dynamix, Inc.
3D Hunting: Trophy Game PC 48% 1998
3D Maze Man: Amazing Adventures PC 20% 1998 Webfoot Technologies
3-D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent PC - 1997 Dynamix, Inc.
1 Ton PC 50% 1996
3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night PC - 1996 Dynamix, Inc.
19XX: The War Against Destiny PC 60% 1995 Capcom
3-D Ultra Pinball PC - 1995 Dynamix, Inc.
1941: Counter Attack PC - 1990 Capcom
1943: The Battle of Midway PC - 1987 Capcom
4-D Warriors PC - 1985 Coreland
1942 PC - 1984 Capcom
3-Demon PC 70% 1983 PC Research
2War PC 50% - C-On Soft
8 Bit Killer PC 60% - Locomalito
800 Fathoms PC - -
6GUN II PC 65% - BattleBorne Entertainment
6GUN PC 50% - BattleBorne Entertainment
3D Paintball NET PC 30% -

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Ano, PlayStation 5

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Ano, Xbox Series X

16 %

Ano, Nintendo Switch

8 %

Ne, vystačím si s PC

29 %

Ne, hraji na mobilu

26 %

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