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Tamarindos Freaking Dinner

Tamarindos Freaking Dinner

Vývojáři Celery Emblem
VydavatelNeon Doctrine
Typ hrySamostatná hra
Datum vydání13. 7. 2022
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Popis PC hry Tamarindos Freaking Dinner
Allow me to introduce to you Macario Macabro! He’s an exorcist-lite pizza dude that had the bad luck to bring an order to Tagomago´s Mansion on MokingBird MilkyWay Heights 13; the oldest, creepiest, haunted manor in the universe with the most horrific dinner of all!The stinky cannibal Countess Erzeweth Wátory of Walpurgis (The Watracio´s Aunt!) is the host of this infamous dinner, and you must bring the pizza to her. But wait... maybe the dinner is not the pizza... Maybe... it is YOU!Meet the manor’s seven inhabitants on this dark & stormy night! They have been invited to this horrible mansion by the countess. Featuring a time cycle system inspired by Majora’s Mask, you’ve got one hour and forty-five minutes left until dinner time to learn their behaviors and find a way to kill them before they eat you! Investigate and explore Tagomago´s Mansion with more than 50 rooms. find useless objects and others with a little more utility. Discover the secrets of this old, haunted house and its sinister history. Full of secrets and people´s skulls, there are maddening rooms that will make you (literally) lose your mind. It's Maniac Mansion with even more murder, so take care not to get lost inside! Help Macario with your wits and solve puzzles to end these sinister fiends. There are numerous endings depending on the paths you take in this stinky old house full of cannibals. Featuring hilarious dialogue and stories in the style of the most famous graphic adventures, this is the tale of Macario Macabro, whom no one knew was already dead.... (Zobrazit celý text)

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Screen ze hry Tamarindos Freaking Dinner

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